Pasabag Valley, also known as “Monks Valley” is one of the most popular fairy chimneys areas of Cappadocia, situated between Avanos and Goreme. Pasabag Valley is also one most popular places to see in Cappadocia that travelers may experience mushroom shaped fairy chimneys with multiple stems and caps.


Pasabag, also known as the Monks Valley, is a unique destination in Cappadocia that is known for its unique rock formations and rich history. Here are some top facts about Pasabag Monks Valley that you might find interesting:

  1. Pasabag Monks Valley is located in the Goreme National Park and the Rock Sites of Cappadocia, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  2. Pasabag Monks Valley is known for its unusual rock formations, which are sometimes referred to as “fairy chimneys”. The formations are the result of volcanic eruptions and erosion over time.
  3. The name “Monks Valley” comes from the fact that monks used to live in the rock-cut rooms in the valley during the Byzantine era.
  4. The valley is also known for its vineyards and wine production, which dates back to the Hittite period. You can still see some of the vineyards in the valley today.
  5. Visitors to Pasabag Monks Valley can explore the rock formations, hike along the trails in the valley, and visit the small chapel that is located in the center of the valley.
  6. The chapel in the valley is dedicated to St. Simeon, who was known for his ascetic lifestyle and his practice of living in a small cell at the top of a pillar. The chapel was built in the 10th century and is one of the oldest buildings in the valley.
  7. Pasabag Monks Valley is a popular spot for photography and is one of the most photographed places in Cappadocia. The unique rock formations and stunning views make for some amazing photos.
  8. In addition to the rock formations, the valley is also home to a number of cafes and souvenir shops where you can pick up some unique gifts and souvenirs.

Visitors to Pasabag Monks Valley can expect to see some truly unique rock formations, learn about the history of the valley, and enjoy some stunning views of the Cappadocia region.


The valley is famous for its unique and interesting rock formations that are said to resemble mushroom-shaped fairy chimneys. The history of Pasabag goes back to the early Christian era, and the valley has been used for religious purposes by monks for centuries.

During the Byzantine period, monks seeking refuge from religious persecution settled in the valley, and they carved out cave dwellings and chapels in the soft tuff rock formations. The monks also built a small chapel in the valley, which can still be seen today. The chapel is decorated with frescoes depicting the life of St. Simeon and other Christian figures.

The name “Pasabag” is derived from the Persian word “paşa” (meaning “general” or “leader”) and “bağ” (meaning “garden”), and it is believed that a Persian general once stayed in the valley and enjoyed the beautiful surroundings.

In addition to its historical and cultural significance, Pasabag is also known for its natural beauty and stunning panoramic views. Visitors can explore the valley on foot, climbing up and around the unique rock formations, taking in the views of the surrounding landscape and the picturesque vineyards that line the valley floor.

What You can See

Those who come visit Cappadocia mostly go to Pasabag Valley to see the best fairy chimney formations. The formations that once used as a seclusion place for the Monks, are now a very attractive tourist zone in Cappadocia.

One of the best activities in the valley is to enjoy the nature and unique beauties by walking among the fairy chimneys. The valley, which was used as a retreat by the priests and monks during its period, includes many rock-cut monasteries, churches, chapels and settlements, as well as tunnels and mills.

Fairy chimneys, which are formed by the strong wind and precipitation from the slopes of the valley and the flood waters eroding such tuff structures of the region, have a mushroom-like appearance in this region.

When you enter the valley, you will see a big walking track and you may enjoy the beautiful scenery with loads of fairy chimneys spread through.

The three capped fairy chimney situated at the center of the valley is the famous fairy chimney chapel where Saint Simeon has lived there in seclusion for 15 years.

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